Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Office: Board of Directors
Education / Qualifications:
Norwich University BS Engineering Management 2012
Currently serving on the Board of Directors
Owner of Reichelt Construction Contracting, LLC
Owner of a small business in town
Community Service:
Born and raised in Manchester, Zach attended Washington Elementary, Bennet Middle School, and Manchester High School. After public school Zach went on to Norwich University and was a part of the Corp of Cadets. While at Norwich he married Vanessa Reichelt and after graduation
had three children: Hunter Scott Reichelt (10, Keeney Cub) , Samuel James Reichelt (7, Keeney
Cub) and Norah Marie Reichelt (3, SonShine Preschool). Besides having three children after
college he started a small business, Reichelt Construction Contracting, LLC, and served/currently serving on a few boards/commissions in Manchester; Cheney Hall Foundation, Building Committee, Charter Revision Commission, and Town Board of Directors.
Jon and Laura Reichelt
Matthew Reichelt
Emily Reichelt
Ashley Reichelt
Why I am Running / Issues:
Having been a resident of Manchester for my whole life, I continue to serve Manchester with
high expectations for the success of families and the success of operating business. We want
everyone to thrive and for Manchester to be the optimum place for that to happen.
Setting the stage for a thriving community of our size is contingent on how flexible, quick, and
on target the government is to meeting residents' needs. Reducing the tax burden on the
homeowner and allowing businesses to keep much needed funding to operate their business is
paramount. Maintaining a small government while keeping an environment safe, affordable,
and reactive to the needs of the community is something that Republicans will be very
successful at and will continue for years to come.
Copyright © 2020 Manchester CT Republican Town Committee - All Rights Reserved.
Paid for by the Manchester Republican Town Committee, Kevin Hood, Treasurer